Lynne Kaye

CPPD Director & Principal Tutor
for Certificate and Diploma

Lynne has been working as a psychotherapist, relationship therapist and supervisor for 30 years, and alongside her co-director, Dr Jenny Sandelson, she has been director of CPPD for over 20 years.  In addition, she is the training co-ordinator and principal tutor on the CPPD Certificate and Diploma training years.

As well as developing and expanding CPPD’s training programmes, she has been instrumental in creating overseas counselling training programmes in Pakistan and Malta.  



Lynne’s background

Lynne has also spent many years researching and working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and subsequent adult trauma responses, and has formulated and facilitated workshops and lectures on the subject in the UK and overseas. Lynne was invited to Karachi, Pakistan 20 years ago, to facilitate a seminar on child abuse and addiction.  At that time, counselling did not exist in Pakistan and Lynne was instrumental in creating and facilitating their first counselling training programme.  She fell in love with both the country and the people there, and was overwhelmed by the students’ desire to increase their awareness and therapeutic development.

Lynne’s approach

Lynne brings her therapeutic experience to her teaching and encourages students’ deep personal therapeutic learning alongside their theoretical and practical learning. 

She encourages students to work deeply on their self-awareness and emphasises “that you cannot take a client therapeutically further than you are prepared to take yourself”.



A word from Lynne

“We strive to support our students through their challenging journey of counselling training with integrity, congruence and respect and observing our students’ growth and development through this journey has always been and continues to be an honour and a privilege.”



Our Counselling

Our counselling sessions aim to give you, the client, an opportunity to explore personal issues in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental setting. All done with a highly experienced counsellor. 

Our Courses

We have a whole range of course that run in the evening and weekends. Which means we offer real flexibility for people in employment, or with busy family lives, who want to train in counselling.