Dr. Jenny Sandelson

CPPD Director & Principal Tutor
for Diploma and Advanced Diploma

With over 30 years’ experience in education and psychotherapy, Jenny Sandelson, D.Psych, is a UKCP Senior Accredited Psychosexual psychotherapist and supervisor working independently and within the NHS and a number of non-statutory counselling services.

She is the Accreditation and training coordinator for the Advanced Diploma and has been the Director of CPPD jointly with Lynne Kaye for over 20 years.



Jenny’s background

Previously she co-ordinated the establishment of a Psychosexual Therapy service within Homerton Hospital and then went on to head the Psychosexual service at Mile End Hospital for over 20 years. She was a member of BACP Training and Standards Forum and an Accreditation

Assessor for COSRT (College for Sexual and Relationship Therapy), and lead Assessor for Accreditation of both COSRT and UKCP registered training courses.

Jenny’s approach

Alongside Lynne Kaye Jenny developed the first BACP accredited counselling trainings in both Northern Ireland and Malta, as well as establishing the first counselling training in Karachi, Pakistan. This latter project involved the establishment of a counselling infrastructure over 10 years in a country where the profession did not previously exist. She has more recently developed a unique bespoke accredited counselling training for the ultra-orthodox Jewish community in London.

Her D.Psych focused drew on the personal and professional learning from the work of establishing these courses, and proposed a framework for developing similar trainings in culturally diverse settings.



A word from Jenny


“Education is not about grades and competition, it is about mutual learning, joint exploration, sharing and support. Each training group is different as the members bring their own life experiences, cultures, beliefs and values which combine to make its own creative whole.”



Our Counselling

Our counselling sessions aim to give you, the client, an opportunity to explore personal issues in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental setting. All done with a highly experienced counsellor. 

Our Courses

We have a whole range of course that run in the evening and weekends. Which means we offer real flexibility for people in employment, or with busy family lives, who want to train in counselling.