
Certificate in Humanistic Integrative Counselling (Intensive)

The Certificate in Humanistic Integrative Counselling provides a learning environment in which trainees can explore and experience the world of counselling. It provides an overview of the Humanistic Integrative approach to counselling and opportunities for practical experience and training.

It focuses on the development of effective listening, relationship building and the interpersonal skills necessary to attend sensitively to the needs of others, whilst establishing and maintaining clear professional and personal boundaries. Self-awareness is a vital part of any counselling training, and the course aims to facilitate this through theoretical input, skills training and reflective group process.


Course in detail


Course hours

10am – 4pm both days

6pm – 9:30pm


Course dates

2022 course dates to be confirmed


Counselling Theory
Students will be introduced to the main concepts and principles of basic counselling skills including active listening, reflection and paraphrasing. They will be introduced to the Humanistic Integrative approach based upon the Five Relationship Model (Petruska Clarkson). Students will examine Humanistic theories from the Person-Centred approach, Transactional Analysis and Gestalt, Transpersonal Psychology and Psychodynamic theory in relation to concepts of Transference and Counter-transference. Students will be introduced to the main concepts and principles of counselling, developing key skills including active listening, reflection and paraphrasing.

The course will look at specific issues such as:

  • Transcultural awareness

  • Sexuality

  • Childhood abuse

  • Alcohol and substance misuse

  • The psychology of shame

  • Attachment Theory

  • Bereavement and loss

Counselling Practice
This intensive learning process includes the practice of enhanced listening skills, observation and verbal and non-verbal communication. Through the experiential use of counselling practice in pairs and triads, trainees will gain an ability to develop the building and maintaining of a therapeutic relationship. This will include how to negotiate contracts with clients in clinical practice, establishing and maintaining boundaries, and giving and receiving effective feedback. Experiential work and practicedevelops theoretical understanding and application

Group Process
Group process is entirely experiential and the focus is on the personal and emotional development of trainees. The experience of the large group process develops trainees’ capacity for self-reflection and awareness. Students develop the ability to demonstrate ownership of their own words andfeelings, and to differentiate those of others. This ability is fundamental to our work as counsellors.

Assessment is continuous throughout the year and includes elements of self, peer and tutor evaluation. Students are required to successfully complete three written assignments throughout the year (2,000-2,500 words each).

Students are expected to attend every session and a minimum attendance of 80% is required for the Certificate to be issued.

Entry Requirements
Training is open to those with a first degree or relevant previous training, for example in health care or social work, and those without formal qualification but equivalent suitable life experience. In addition, applicants must demonstrate personal maturity and the ability to cope with the emotional, intellectual and time demands of the course.

​​Contact time
120 hours


Our Policies


Student Conduct
and Performance policy

This policy is designed to support student success in a structured, consistent and fair way, to ensure they understand their responsibilities and to ensure that actions taken are individualised, proportionate and designed to give rise to improvement. Simply click the button below to download a copy of the full policy.


& Diversity policy

CPPD is committed to promoting equality and diversity. We aim to provide an inclusive and supportive environment for our students and staff where people are treated equally, everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and where we operate a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment. Simply click the button below to download a copy of the full policy.



This procedure exists for the use of past and present students on the course, trainers and others closely associated with the course. Simply click the button below to download a copy of the full procedure.